
Cool things I had ChatGPT create


CIDR to IP range converter

Rotating Background image

Pet MBTI test

B R E A K _ o U T

200 Year plan to save humanity:

Phase 1: Urgent Climate Action, Nuclear Disarmament, and Inclusive Economic Growth (2025-2040)

2025-2030: Urgent Climate Action Initiatives Launch global initiatives to combat climate change, including transitioning to renewable energy, promoting sustainable practices, and establishing carbon pricing mechanisms for human survival.

2030-2035: Nuclear Disarmament Treaty Work towards a comprehensive nuclear disarmament treaty, including phased reductions, with strict verification mechanisms, fostering peace and international cooperation.

2033-2038: Global Moratorium on Nuclear Testing Advocate for a worldwide moratorium on nuclear weapon testing, strengthening non-proliferation efforts and environmental protection.

2025-2035: Comprehensive Radar System Develop and deploy a comprehensive radar system, including space-based observatories, to detect and track asteroids, safeguarding humanity from potential impacts.

2025-2040: Inclusive Economic Growth Implement policies for inclusive economic growth, addressing social disparities and promoting sustainable development to ensure equitable prosperity amidst climate challenges.

Phase 2: Building Bridges, Cooperation, Planetary Defense, AI Ethics, and Social Welfare (2041-2065)

2040-2045: Joint Security and Early Warning Systems Establish collaborative early warning systems to prevent misunderstandings, enhance trust, and promote global cooperation.

2041-2050: Cooperative Space Exploration Promote joint space missions for peaceful purposes, advancing scientific research and mutual understanding.

2040-2060: Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes Continue using existing nuclear power plants with safety and research into advanced nuclear technologies for sustainable energy production.

2040-2070: Planetary Defense Network Establish an international planetary defense network, utilizing advanced technology to protect Earth from cosmic threats.

2040-2055: AI Ethics and Regulation Develop and implement global guidelines for AI, ensuring responsible and equitable AI applications.

2041-2056: Space Debris Cleanup Operations Initiate and expand space debris cleanup missions using advanced technology for space sustainability.

2040-2065: Social Welfare and Safety Nets Strengthen social welfare programs, providing support during workforce transitions and promoting equity.

Phase 3: Strengthening Global Partnerships, Celestial Colonization, AI Readiness, and Economic Equity (2066-2110)

2065-2075: Comprehensive Security and Disarmament Agreements Work towards comprehensive security agreements addressing conventional, cyber threats, and nuclear disarmament.

2066-2085: Global Emergency Response Coalition Strengthen a coalition for rapid emergency response, fostering solidarity during crises.

2066-2090: AI Readiness and Workforce Transition Continue investing in education and retraining programs for AI integration and workforce adaptation.

2066-2110: Celestial Colonization Advance preparations for celestial colonization, including sustainable habitats and long-term exploration.

Phase 4: A Climate-Resilient, Peaceful, and Equitable World (2111-2225)

2111-2140: Global Climate Resilience Completion Pursue comprehensive climate resilience initiatives, building adaptive capacities to protect communities and ecosystems from the impacts of climate change.

2111-2130: United Nations Empowerment Strengthen the United Nations to become a more effective global mediator and coordinator of efforts towards human survival, peace, and climate action.

2111-2225: Education for Prosperity and Global Cooperation Continuously promote education focused on sustainable development, peace, and cooperation for a prosperous future in a climate-resilient world.



#Check if the CIFS kernel module is loaded, and load it if not

if ! lsmod | grep -q “^cifs “; then
sudo modprobe cifs


share_ip=”SHARE IP ADDRESS HERE” # Replace this with the IP address of the CIFS share
share_folder=”SHARE FOLDER NAME HERE” # Replace this with the name of the shared folder

#Create the local mount path directory if it doesn’t exist

mkdir -p “$local_mount_path”

#Mount the CIFS share using mount.cifs

mount -t cifs -o iocharset=utf8,username=”$username”,password=”$password” “//${share_ip}/${share_folder}” “$local_mount_path”

#Use rsync to update the backup directories

for dir in “${backup_dirs[@]}”; do
echo “Updating $dir…”
rsync -av –delete –iconv=UTF-8,utf8 “$local_mount_path/$dir” “$destination_path”
echo “Finished updating $dir.”

#Add entry to /etc/fstab for automatic mounting during system startup

echo -e “\n# Automatic CIFS share mount at boot” | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
echo -e “//${share_ip}/${share_folder} $local_mount_path cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,users,noauto,iocharset=utf8 0 0” | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

#Create .smbcredentials file with username and password

echo -e “username=$username\npassword=$password” | sudo tee /root/.smbcredentials
sudo chmod 600 /root/.smbcredentials

#Mount the CIFS share for the first time

mount “$local_mount_path”

echo “Script execution completed successfully.”